rehearsing will erase.
This rehearsing can only add to what we al- ready have. Not take away. It will add, enrich our feminine self without impoverishing our other ego. So why the stubborn refusal to try posture, gestures, walk, voice inflection in the manner of a GG? It can only be plain laziness, or distrust in one's own learning cap- abilities, or a huge dose of guilt which makes any attempt at learning seem ridiculous and unbecoming.
And then there's another argument. It goes some thing like this: "You say, Susanna, that this feminine personality we are trying to express must be soft, delicate and tender (plus any other qualities which are usually associated with femininity)--but who said that a man cannot be just as soft, sweet, delicate and tender? Are you sure these are exclusive feminine characteristics? Why can't a GG be rough and hard and firm and still be a GG? Do you have to walk with a swaying gait or sit with your knees together to be a TV?" The an- swer must grant a certain degree of validity to this argument. But the point is that we are the product of this particular age we happen to belong to. An age which has established (rightly or wrongly) cer- tain definite patterns of behaviour and has allotted-so to speak-cer- tain traits, modes, activities to men and women and these have been catalogued as feminine and masculine This arbitrary assignment of values to men and women has erected a Berlin wall which prevents men from slipping over to the feminine side of the wall without bring- ing the wrath of the entire social body upon their heads. Women have been smarter than men and have beautifully managed to help themselves by trespassing into what used to be for them forbidden territory. Men are still stupidly limiting their lives in that arbitrary area of interests and activities which has been assigned to them. This is supposed to make better men out of them, when in reality it makes of them, drab, poor, shorn, incomplete human beings. How to express the whole gamut of human interests, emotions when society forbids it? Our answer, the TV's answer, is in the cultivation of a dual personality. That's our way to knock down the Berlin wall set up by society. In our feminine self we can relax and enjoy to the fullest a life which is soft and sweet and delicate and tender and beautiful, without renouncing the joys which society allows us to em- brace in our masculine status. Result? A richer two-in-one person- ality. In a way it is a pity we cannot mix them indiscriminately, but we must conform unless we choose the hermit's way of life. A s long as we must live surrounded by other people, as long as there are esthetic ideals which govern people's lives and make demands upon them, we must create a GG's image which does not clash with those concepts accepted by society.